The lecture "High-Performance Computing" is intended to provide an
overview of the broad topic of distributed and parallel computing using
clusters, grids, clouds, SMP servers, peer-to-peer networks and other
parallel platforms.
It covers the writing of multi-threaded programs with
Java, C & Pthreads and parallel programming using MPI and OpenMP as well.
This lecture aims at students who want to become acquainted with parallel
computing and who already have some experience with sequential programming
using Java and C (on top of Linux/Unix).
The lecture begins with a discussion on parallel computing - what it is
and how it is used - followed by a discussion on theoretical concepts and
terminology associated with parallel computing. The topics of parallel
memory architectures and programming models are then explored.
These topics are followed by a series of practical discussions on a number
of the complex issues related to designing and running parallel programs,
including heterogeneity and efficiency, parallel debugging (with helgrind) etc.
The lecture is accompanied by a tutorial showing several examples of how
to parallelize serial programs.
This lecture is given in English
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tue 10:00 am-11:30 am in U213 (lecture)
tue 11:45 am-01:15 pm in U213 (tutorial)
all slides used in this course are available via G.R.I.P.S. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Dünnweber
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg · Universitätsstraße 31 (U123)
phone: +49 941 943-9859 · fax: +49 941 943-1426
mail: Jan.Duennweber@hs-regensburg.de